Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Consolidated and combined statements of changes in stockholders??? equity

Consolidated and combined statements of changes in stockholders’ equity - MXN ($)
$ in Thousands
Common stock
Share premium account
Retained earnings (deficit)
Other comprehensive income
Balance at Dec. 31, 2017 $ 153,851 $ 25,046 $ (120) $ 178,777
Capital decrease (97,866) (97,866)
Dividends paid (300,079) (300,079)
Total comprehensive income for the year 299,267 165 299,432
Balance at Dec. 31, 2018 55,985 24,234 45 80,264
Dividends paid (278,000) (278,000)
Total comprehensive income for the year 472,142 76 472,218
Balance at Dec. 31, 2019 55,985 218,376 121 274,482
Capital increase 225,737 909,428 1,135,165
Effects of merger with related party 4,724 4,724
Dividends paid (830,000) (830,000)
Total comprehensive income for the year 338,361 (839) 337,522
Balance at Jan. 03, 2021 $ 281,722 $ 909,428 $ (268,539) $ (718) $ 921,893